Impact Stories
Processing the Pandemic
Grandview Kid, Kevin, was first diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) at the age of two. At that time, and for about a year and half afterwards, Kevin had no functional speech, meaning that he couldn’t tell anyone if he was hungry, cold or in pain. For the first two years after Kevin’s diagnosis, his parents depended on the therapy he received at Grandview Kids in order to prepare him for school. Seven-year-old Kevin and his mom, Karen Speech, behavioural...
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Making Progress During the Pandemic
Rajani has twin boys who are both Grandview Kids. Six-year-old Sharvin has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy and hearing loss. His brother, Arvin, also has a diagnosis of hearing loss, as well as autism. Together, they’ve used almost every service and therapy that Grandview Kids has to offer in order to live life to their full potential. When COVID-19 hit last March, Rajani didn’t know what would happen next for her family. The thought of keeping both boys inside for...
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Update on Matthew (little boy featured in our GET ACTIVE CHALLENGE materials)
Throughout his life, four-year-old Grandview kid, Matthew has received speech, occupational, and physiotherapy at Grandview Children’s Centre. With help from his therapists, he’s now able to say some words, count to 20, and sing the alphabet. And he’s running ... a lot! In fact, Matthew would like nothing more than to open the door and run away, which means that he needs to be watched very closely at home and at school. Peek-a-boo! For fun, Matthew enjoys doing puzzles on...
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Addie is Leading the Way!
Grandview kid, Addie and her family have enthusiastically participated in RUN AJAX for the past few years. With the event getting postponed this year, they jumped at the chance to get involved in the GET ACTIVE CHALLENGE in support of Grandview Kids. Addie has set her goal to walk 15km this summer, which is the distance to her grandparents' house. Addie usually uses a wheelchair for longer distances, so she’ll complete her challenge a little bit at a time. She’s...
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“Grandview Believes in Me and I Believe in Me!”
Nine-year-old Joseph has been a Grandview kid since he was a baby, coming to Grandview for services that included speech therapy, occupational therapy, therapeutic recreation, and being a student at Campbell Children’s School. This summer, Joseph will be lacing up his walking shoes to participate in the GET ACTIVE CHALLENGE in support of Grandview Kids. Joseph is ready to WALK! His goal is to walk 100km to raise money for Grandview. He’ll be walking about 2-4 km every day –...
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Rucking for Grandview
Grandview graduate, Sam (age 21) heard about the GET ACTIVE CHALLENGE from his friend Owen (a current Grandview kid). Being a former Grandview kid himself, Sam is always looking for ways to give back to the place that helped his family so much when he was little. He also liked that this challenge lets him get active right in his own neighbourhood. “I decided to do walking, but I’ve taken it one step further. I will be rucking, which is...
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Owen is Walking 56km for Grandview Kids
Grandview kid, Owen has set the goal of walking 56 km over the summer to support Grandview Kids through the GET ACTIVE CHALLENGE. This 10-year-old has come so far thanks to the support he received at Grandview Children’s Centre throughout his life. Diagnosed with Kleefstra Syndrome at age one, Owen’s parents were told that there was a good chance he might never walk or talk. After years of hard work alongside Grandview’s team of therapists, staff, and volunteers, Owen has...
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Cerebral Palsy Won’t Stop Matthew From Getting on the Ice, Field, or Court
Grandview kid, Matthew is 13 and loves sports of all kinds. He’s never let his diagnosis of cerebral palsy hold him back from sledge hockey, golf or mountain biking and he continues to explore more sports as he discovers them. Matthew appeared in a video for Grandview almost two years ago and we recently caught up with his mom, Elise to see how he was doing. Elise reports that Matthew is still playing sledge hockey, and he still loves it....
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Four Questions with Grandview Graduate, Elliot
How did you get your start at Grandview? Who helped you there and with what? I first started at Grandview when I was three years old. I got help from my occupational therapist, Kathy with my fine motor skills like cutting paper with scissors and learning how to print my name. I also got help from Dr. MacDonald my pediatrician because she helped me with my assessments and got me help with my diagnosis in order to be diagnosed with...
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Inspired by Colton
For the past five years, Ashley has had a very happy and fun boy in her life — her nephew, Colton. Colton was diagnosed with cerebral palsy around age three, and began therapy at Grandview right away. Ashley had the privilege of attending most of Colton’s sessions with him, and watching his therapist work with him was very inspiring for her. In fact, it even inspired her to follow a new career path. After graduating with a degree in communications...
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