Support the Foundation
Your gift means the world to us.
Thousands of children and youth in the Durham Region need the life-changing programs and services that Grandview Kids offers.
Share our page with your network of friends and family to discover more ways to support the Grandview Kids Foundation.

Monthly Giving
relies on our family of monthly donors to provide vital programs and services to children and youth in the Durham Region. Join our growing family of donors today and become a Grandview Kids Foundation Life Changer.

One-time Gift
Make a one-time gift that will last a lifetime. Every dollar counts when it comes to achieving the Foundation’s dreams for Grandview Kids. Your gift today will help thousands of children and youth in our community to live, learn and play.

Tribute Giving
The Grandview Kids Foundation recognizes the importance of celebrating and honouring those closest to us. Make a tribute gift in honour of someone special
today to support the children and youth accessing programs and services at Grandview Kids.
Believe Campaign
The Believe Campaign began with the intent of building a brand new, state-of-the-art facility for Grandview Kids and our goal has been achieved! Visit Grandview Kids website for more information on the New Grandview Kids and infrastructure
Legacy Giving
Donate stocks, gifts of securities, bequests and more for make a large difference in the future. Your forward thinking and financial planning will be key to ensuring that the Grandview Kids Foundation can continue to provide critical resources to children, youth and families in our community.

Matched Giving
When you choose to donate through any of our giving programs, your company may have the opportunity to match your donation, and in turn, doubling your impact. When you donate, choose matched giving to find your employer who will match your generous gift.

Other Ways to Support the Grandview Kids Foundation
Ways to Donate
Donate by Phone
To donate to Grandview Kids, please call
Tel: 905.728.1673 – Option 6
Our Foundation staff will be pleased to assist you.
Donate by Mail
Send your donation by mail:
Grandview Kids Foundation
600 Townline Road South
Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
L1H 0C8
Donate by E-Transfer
Email: foundation@grandviewkids.ca or
call Tel: 905.728.1673 – Option 6
Please note: for receipting purposes, please email the Foundation in advance with your complete contact information.