Thirteen-year-old Michael relies on the Botox treatments he regularly receives through Grandview’s Muscle Tone clinic. Without them, his muscles are stiff, he’s in pain and doesn’t sleep well at night.
You see, at age one, Michael was diagnosed with Vanishing White Matter, a chronic condition that causes a progressive loss of motor skills. Botox injections into his muscles have made his life a lot easier.
Like most Grandview parents, Michael’s mom, Catherine loves her incredible son more than anything. She also knows him better than anyone, and would do anything to make sure he is comfortable and happy.
When schools were forced to close earlier this spring, Catherine’s first thought was: “Oh no, Grandview is going to have to close too… will Michael receive his next injection?”
Fortunately, because all staff at Grandview Kids have continued to work remotely during this unprecedented time, Grandview was still able to provide Michael with the urgent services he needed.
His mother Catherine brought him to the Centre during the time our buildings have been shut down and they were met in the parking lot by a member of Grandview’s staff, decked out in Personal Protection Equipment. Michael was then brought right in to receive his treatment, and afterwards, was feeling so much better.

Our clients need our help more than ever! Here are some of the important ways we are continuing to support families while our buildings are closed:
- Providing therapy sessions to kids through virtual tele practice and other technologies;
- Reaching out by phone or video chat to support the well-being of families;
- Bringing parents together on our Parent Support (OPS) Facebook page to share resources and participate in online events like virtual coffee chats, dance parties and art classes;
- Providing essential clinic visits that follow Public Health recommendations, such as our Botox clinic, emergency or equipment needs, and appointments to support clients with pain issues and or function loss;
- Ensuring equipment needs are met so that kids can continue to be active and independent at home.