Impact Stories
My Life is Going Great!
I remember as a kid going to Grandview at the Oshawa, Ajax and Pickering Village locations. Dr. MacDonald was the very first doctor I saw at Grandview, and she was the one who diagnosed me with autism. My best memory is with Kathy, who is an Occupational Therapist at the Ajax location. Kathy taught me how to print my name and I was one of her best clients. I recently visited Kathy and she showed me a picture I made...
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Michael Receives Urgent Care at Grandview
Thirteen-year-old Michael relies on the Botox treatments he regularly receives through Grandview’s Muscle Tone clinic. Without them, his muscles are stiff, he’s in pain and doesn’t sleep well at night. You see, at age one, Michael was diagnosed with Vanishing White Matter, a chronic condition that causes a progressive loss of motor skills. Botox injections into his muscles have made his life a lot easier. Like most Grandview parents, Michael’s mom, Catherine loves her incredible son more than anything. She...
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A Magical “I Love You”
Diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and apraxia of speech, Orion started working with a Grandview speech therapist at age three. Today, this eight-year-old is mostly non-verbal but has made some great progress with communicating his needs through an iPad program called Proloquo2go. The very first time Orion was able to communicate with his mom, Marilyn, using the iPad, he asked her for a banana. It was such a special moment for Marilyn that she even got a banana tattooed on...
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Virtual Lessons for Students at Campbell Children’s School
For most of this school year, four-year-old Grandview kid, Sam (who receives speech and occupational therapy at Grandview while attending Campbell Children’s School) has started each school day by arriving at Grandview Children’s Centre. Today, things look a bit different. Sam is connecting with his teachers, friends and lessons virtually using the SeeSaw app — a technology that was put in place for families in September. “Before starting up virtual school, we were already connecting with all our families through...
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A Closer Look at Grandview’s Speech and Language Program
From birth, children develop the communication skills that will help them succeed in school and in life. At least one in 10 children need help developing appropriate communication skills. Without this help, a child may struggle to talk and listen, learn to read and write, and to play and interact with other children. Grandview’s Preschool Speech and Language Program, and our Speech-Language Pathology team address difficulties in the following areas: interacting with others (social skills)using language (talking)understanding language (listening)speech production...
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Big Steps Ahead
When she was only one, Brooklyn was diagnosed with cerebral palsy by Dr. Hunt at Grandview Children's Centre. Brooklyn's mom Julianne didn't know much about CP at that time and she turned to the staff at Grandview to help her learn more about what to expect for her daughter, and how to best support her. Brooklyn started physiotherapy at Grandview shortly after her diagnosis. She also went to Campbell Children's School in senior kindergarten where she was able to attend...
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A Message from Kurt
We sat down with Grandview kid, Kurt *before our buildings closed* to talk about what it means to have hydrocephalus, how Grandview has helped him and his inspiring message to other Grandview kids . . . .
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Grandview is Helping Brooklyn Follow Her Dream
Help more Grandview kids like Brooklyn to live life to their full potential. Make a donation today.
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Rowen has transformed into a social butterfly
Rowen first came to Grandview before he was two because of speech and language concerns. By the time he was in Junior Kindergarten, he was having a difficult time communicating with the other kids in his class because they couldn’t understand what he was trying to say. When his mom tried to get him to go play with others, he would beg her to stay with him because according to him, his “voice didn’t work”. Rowen received speech language therapy...
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Grandview is Helping Rowen Follow his Dream Help more Grandview kids like Rowen to live life to their full potential. Make a donation today.
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