The holiday season, marked by a time of rest, wonder and joy, can sometimes look different in your neighbours’ homes. For families with children and youth with physical, communication and developmental needs, it can be a time when daily challenges seem harder to manage because of the winter cold and shorter days. Bring warmth to the homes of children and youth and their families in our community to help live life at their full potential.
Clarissa is 4 years old and lives with her parents, Megan and Zach, and her newborn sister Senna. At 3 months old, a Sick Kids Hospital visit was prompted by continuous eye-rolling. At Sick Kids Hospital, they were told that Clarissa had suffered a stroke around the time of birth that caused the development of a fluid-filled cavity, called a cyst, in her frontal left lobe. She was diagnosed with a rare disorder called Porencephaly, and secondary diagnoses of Hydrocephalus, Epilepsy, and Right-Sided Hemiplegia Cerebral Palsy. Megan and Zach began to wonder what Clarissa’s quality of life and future would now look like. As first-time parents, their expectations were suddenly and drastically altered as her diagnoses affected her daily living. She would now need a team of medical experts, seizure medication, and therapy to learn to walk and use the right side of her body.
A referral to Grandview Kids for community support was made, and it has since made a world of difference in Clarissa’s life. The milestones naturally met by most children did not come easy, but with the help of Grandview Kids, her parents are able to persevere. Her Developmental Paediatrician offered medical care and resources for support. Speech-Language Pathology helped her ability to communicate. Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy directed them with equipment, stretches and exercises needed to overcome gross motor and fine motor skill delays. With the countless appointments Clarissa has, having specialized services close to home is vital to efficiently manage their time, home-life and Clarissa’s medical care. Through Grandview Kids’ early intervention, Megan and Zach were given the necessary tools that led to Clarissa’s success. They still need to put in hard work, but they know that Grandview Kids will be with them every step of the way.
Clarissa’s family shares their story as a way to give back to Grandview Kids. You can never repay a priceless gift, but you can try to share that gift with others.
The journey begins at a young age but doesn’t stop once a child starts walking. The hurdles that must be overcome through the different stages of life remain – from infancy to early school years to adolescence –but now they can be faced with strength and courage.
Donations to Grandview Kids Foundation reach into the homes of not only children and youth in our community, but to entire families just like Clarissa’s. Your help gives hope to families who once thought their journey would be isolated and lonely. Now you are giving them a community of support through Grandview Kids who follow their journey from the beginning and well into the future. You are shaping the success of children and youth who will eventually be young adults participating in our community.
Spark hope and fan the flame for a brighter tomorrow by giving generously to Grandview Kids Foundation. Your donation reaches into homes of children and youth with physical, communication and developmental needs.