Grandview Kids is a proud part of the CP-NET Project which is designed to improve the understanding of cerebral palsy (CP) and accelerate the development of new neuroscience discoveries. The ultimate goal of this research is to improve the lives of children with CP and their families.
Along with Grandview Kids, participants in this study include groups like Sick Kids, Health Sciences North and ErinoakKids Centre for Treatment and Development.
Grandview has been focused on the Clinical Database portion of the study, with research examining the genetics, neuroimaging and health records of children with all sub-types of CP. This approach helps researchers and clinicians to better understand what causes cerebral palsy and develop treatments and therapies.The study has been on-going since 2013 and has some breakthroughs already, specifically in the genetics realm.
“I think we are finally starting to find our niche as a contributor to ideas and partner for recruitment and knowledge translation,” says Dr. Carolyn Hunt, Developmental Pediatrician at Grandview. “The CP studies have already yielded several important findings with some key work underway right now. The likelihood that the findings will apply directly to our families is very high.”
Out of a total of 367 participants in the overall CP-NET study, 39 are Grandview families. These families have graciously agreed to contribute health records, neuroimaging and saliva tests from their children, as well as complete forms and interviews that provide more detailed information about their child’s family history.
Each contribution of time by our wonderful families is leading closer to new insights into how to best treat CP and give kids the chance to live life to their full potential.
Study Title: Childhood Cerebral Palsy Integrated Neuroscience Discovery Network “CP-NET” – Clinical Database Platforms – Phase 3
Study Doctors: Dr. Carolyn Hunt, Developmental Pediatrician, Dr. Knights and Dr. Siapno
Funder: Ontario Brain Institute (OBI); OBI is an independent, not-for-profit corporation funded by the Government of Ontario for brain research, translation, and innovation