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Impact Stories
Living Her Best Life
Holly’s mom Kristen brought her to Grandview Children’s Centre when she was 18 months old. Holly wasn’t saying any words and Kristen was concerned. Holly received speech therapy at Grandview, and soon enough, the words came. After being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, Holly also received occupational therapy that helped her practice the activities of daily living, which helped her prepare for her dream of becoming a firefighter when she grows up.
You may have seen the video with Holly at the fire station, filmed a year and a half ago. Holly is now five and still wants to be a firefighter someday, often wearing her firefighter suit around the house.
“We are so thankful to Grandview,” says Kristen. “Without them, we would have been lost. Holly wasn’t speaking at all when we first came to the Centre, and our speech therapist was so patient with her. We have done everything that was recommended to us and have seen such a change in her.”
Today, Holly is speaking in full sentences and even singing every chance she gets. She is a lover of the movie Frozen—particularly the sequel—and is constantly serenading her family with its songs.
Holly is also enthusiastically enjoying being in SK this year. She has many stories to tell her mom about her adventures in the classroom with her new best friends. Her days at home are spent playing games and having fun with her older sister, Lily.
“She used to be so shy and reserved, she wouldn’t have talked to anyone,” Kristin says. “Her time at Grandview Children’s Centre has helped to turn her into a totally different child.”
A Good Deed for Grandview Kids!
Grandview kid, Faith, has always enjoyed watching sports and plays whatever she is able to (including baseball and basketball!). She’s also been involved with the Whitby Wolves Peewee A hockey team as a cheerleader, which has given her a huge sense of belonging and accomplishment.
Her team recently did a VERY GOOD deed for Grandview Kids. They raised $1,013 and some incredible awareness for Grandview, by hosting a “Friends and Family” skate as part of the Chevrolet Good Deeds Cup initiative.
The Chevrolet Good Deeds Cup seeks to inspire young Canadians to do good by transforming the positive values learned through hockey into Good Deeds within their communities. Along with Hockey Canada, Chevrolet’s goal is to develop hockey players on and off the ice.
As part of their application, the Whitby Wolves had to make a video showing their “Good Deed”. From all the videos submitted, Chevrolet Good Deeds Cup will select one of the charities nominated to be a recipient for $100,000 — learn more at
Of course, sports-loving, Faith was there to cheer on her Whitby Wolves teammates when they did their good deed for Grandview Kids. Thanks to this ambitious group for choosing to participate in the Chevrolet Good Deeds Cup, by making a difference in the lives of children and youth with physical, communication, and developmental needs.