From birth, children develop the communication skills that will help them succeed in school and in life. At least one in 10 children need help developing appropriate communication skills. Without this help, a child may struggle to talk and listen, learn to read and write, and to play and interact with other children. Grandview’s Preschool Speech and Language Program, and our Speech-Language Pathology team address difficulties in the following areas:
- interacting with others (social skills)
- using language (talking)
- understanding language (listening)
- speech production (articulation / pronunciation)
- speaking fluently (stuttering)
- voice
- feeding/swallowing
Grandview Children’s Centre is the lead agency for preschool speech and language services in Durham Region. This program is one of 30 preschool speech and language initiatives funded by Ontario’s Ministry of Child, Community and Social Services. The program was created to ensure that all preschool children are given the best chance of reaching their full communication potential.
In February 2020, four-year-old Samira had fun learning with Speech Language Therapy Assistant, Kelly. Here’s an exclusive peek into their session: