Latest News
Helping Grandview Families — From a Distance!
The recent events in our world have forced many of us to re-adjust the way we work – this includes Grandview therapists. Recent provincial direction allows Grandview to resume in...
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A Magical “I Love You”
Diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and apraxia of speech, Orion started working with a Grandview speech therapist at age three. Today, this eight-year-old is mostly non-verbal but has made some...
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Virtual Lessons for Students at Campbell Children’s School
For most of this school year, four-year-old Grandview kid, Sam (who receives speech and occupational therapy at Grandview while attending Campbell Children’s School) has started each school day by arriving...
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Join the World’s Largest Virtual Group Hug!
The Grandview Kids community is coming together to create the world’s largest VIRTUAL GROUP HUG in support of Grandview kids and their families. Many Grandview families are facing significant challenges...
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We want to keep you updated via e-mail!
Grandview Children's Foundation keeps in touch with its generous supporters through regular e-mails and e-newsletters. We'd love to include you in this list! Our emails include good news stories about...
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A Closer Look at Grandview’s Speech and Language Program
From birth, children develop the communication skills that will help them succeed in school and in life. At least one in 10 children need help developing appropriate communication skills. Without...
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Big Steps Ahead
When she was only one, Brooklyn was diagnosed with cerebral palsy by Dr. Hunt at Grandview Children's Centre. Brooklyn's mom Julianne didn't know much about CP at that time and...
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Our world has changed, but our mission remains the same
We are so grateful for the loyalty and understanding of our Grandview friends during this uncertain time. Rest assured that we are doing everything we can to help Grandview kids...
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A Message From Grandview Therapist, Kelly
Thank you to all the caring friends for helping children and youth in Durham Region to live life to their full potential. Here's a special message from Speech Language Therapy...
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Let’s Make Superheroes Together
Grandview mom, Lisa, is also an amazing animation artist who works on cartoons. She'd like to offer a fun challenge to everyone in the Grandview community - turn an everyday...
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