Amanda is 28 years old and a former Grandview Kids client. She has left-side hemiparesis cerebral palsy, which affects her left arm and leg. Grandview Kids has been a part of her life since she was six months old. Over the years as a client, she has spent numerous hours working diligently towards greater independence in therapy sessions to strengthen and enhance her gross motor skills, fine motor skills and speech. Outside of appointments, Amanda has always been very involved in the Grandview Kids community, joining many social, community and program initiatives.
Amanda is gifted with a natural tendency to dream big. She achieved many of her personal goals, such as driving a car, finishing post-secondary education and working as an adult. Her determination extends to others as she continually thinks about how to impact the next generation of Grandview Kids clients positively. Amanda was part of the Steering Committee to develop the Adolescent Transition Program, which serves as a bridge between service and resource support for adolescents and their families. Her efforts led her to become the 2023 “Spirit of Grandview Kids Award” grad winner of the Elexicon Energy Dream Big, Dream Brighter Awards dinner.”

Grandview Kids gave Amanda hope and confidence to navigate adulthood in a world where inclusivity is only beginning. “The world is not made for people with disabilities, and this is why a universal design is important,” she boldly claims. Grandview Kids prepared Amanda to be a self-advocate and a problem-solver. For this reason, she gives back through her roles as a Grandview Kids Foundation volunteer and Ambassador to tell others about the transformative work happening in the lives of Grandview Kids clients and their families.
Ten incredible years of rallying together as a community through the Believe Campaign is ending. Amanda nostalgically recounts helping with press and public-speaking events and now awaits the opening of the new Grandview Kids building this Fall. She knows that this is just the beginning as she witnesses the transition of the next generation of Grandview Kids Ambassadors. “I read [about them] and I cry. It feels like I am passing the torch, and I cannot wait to see where they are in the next 10-15 years.”

She is proud to know where Grandview Kids began and where it is now. “It’s not just a dream anymore, it’s become a reality. This is a place where many families can receive the help and education they need to help their child/teen be the most successful that they can be. I drive by the new building, and it’s so bright and colourful – it doesn’t even look like a medical building. It is where the staff and volunteers bring the sparkle and make Grandview magic.”